Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learning Log 5

There are a few techniques we must keep in mind before attempting an unseen poem/prose. Firstly, what i found most important is not to rush when you are reading a poem. It draws my attention when I saw this point as I had done this before. If you rush for time, you neglect your feelings and somtimes write what you want to write rather than what the question is asking for. Therefore, time management is another matter. There are basically two models to help you organise the structure of your answer. The IBC method - Introduction Body and Conclusion and PEEL method - Point Explain Example and Link. An excellent answer is one which follows either of these models and has paragraphs to differentiate each point.
You have to read the poem three times. When doing the first reading, you read it swiftly to get a rough idea of what the poem is about. Underline the difficult words along the way but do not stop to figure them out. The second time you are reading, find out who the characters are, how they are related and observe the mood & setting. You will get a much clearer picture of what is going on. Before doing the third reading, take a brief look at the questions. Then, annotate and analyse even further as you continue reading the text. If you want, you could jot down quick notes at the side of the paper. Be alert and you may find answers to certain questions to support your points.
I have also learnt to use the 4 Ws and 2 Hs:
-Who (is speaking in the poem)
-When (was the poem written)
-What (the poem is about)
-What (is the poet trying to say)
-How (the poet convey meaning)
-How (respond to the poem)

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