Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learning Log 6

Last week, I was exposed to many different kinds of literary devices. It is either used for emphasis, exaggeration or even enhancing a particular phrase and sentence. I have learnt to identify and make comments on the way a literary device is used in a context. I had a most interesting time as I learnt that they convey alot of meaning if you read the sentence through a few times. My favourite literary device is the oxymoron because it is very contradictory such as 'thundering silence'. It makes you think more about the meaning as a whole. Not forgetting, we also did a newspaper article on oxymorons recently. Anyway, I have a clearer picture of literary devices after reading the notes thoroughly. It could really help in answering an unseen poem/prose question. I do hope we could have a mini test next time to make sure we are on the right page. :D

1 comment:

  1. Iqbal, glad that you enjoyed learning all the literary devices. We will have minit tests in Term 4 but not now as I feel that not everyone is ready yet. Keep working hard and happy learning;)
