Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning Log 3

Predictions. This word makes me wonder about the days of my grandparents when their predictions were true which resulted in people believing in them. I for one think that they are just nothing but plain strories and lies(sometimes illogical). I mean no one can tell the future! Well, not one that I have met before.. Anyway, I fully do not believe any predictions at all made up by people. Although some may be true, I don't think people have special powers or anything but I think they were just lucky at that point of time. Some people might believe them but in the modern days, I think fewer people would still think that it is true. Based on my experiences, predictions happen in my everyday life. For instance, weather forecasts in news. Although this is a prediction, I do not entirely think it is fake though as most of the time they are true. During the lesson, I enjoyed myself thoroughly with the presentations of my classmates with each of their experiences. With Mrs Woo's number selecter, it is possible to keep everyone awake and ready for the lesson! Thank you for another awesome lesson. No suggestions for me now.

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