Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Log 2

I have learnt to project my voice when speaking in front of my classmates. I also feel it is important to portray emotions and feelings during performances like the MacBeth scene acted out in class. For example, the witches' scene is best to be acted out in the tone of the witches themselves. It should not sound monotonous all throughout the scene. I think being expressive is a significant aspect in performing be it in front of your classmates, on the stage or at public. It is more entertaining to the viewers than a boring tone. For the superstitions lesson, I think different people has different perspectives about it. I have learnt to respect other religions and the superstitions they believe in. We learn to understand the diversity of races in Singapore. I think it is crucial not to humiliate or discriminate them to sustain a multi-racial life here. I look forward to the next Literature lesson as this was more interesting than the cinquain one.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Learning Log 1

I have learnt that a cinquain is a five line poem with the title at the first line, which consists of one word. Line two has two words of the description of title. Line three has three words that tell the action. Line four has four words that express the feeling. At the end of the stanza, the fifth line is a word that recalls the title. I enjoyed the lesson very much as I have learnt a new style of writing a poem. Also, Mrs Woo gave a helpful example so we could get the idea of how to construct a cinquain poem. I got to experience writing one with my group before doing it myself. I feel that there should be more examples as the notes handed out only listed one.